An Interesting Question From Facebook
Yesterday Brother Ashbros asked some great questions on the subject of human emotions, specifically pertaining to misunderstanding and people attributing false intentions to the actions or behaviors of others.
Humans emotions are weird because some of them are based in reality, but most of them are based in idealism. Everything just sort of bleeds together. The thread is on my wall, but I figure the breakdown of how emotion works probably needs its own post.
“So when we think about emotions, we have to break them into different categories. There are natural emotions and then emotions that are based in and derive from idealism.
In nature, the two main emotions that are experienced are what humans commonly refer to as “love” and “fear”.
Love can most aptly be characterized as “bonding”, and fear as “distance” or “separation”.
When you love someone you view them as an extension of yourself — that is, you feel or become intuitively bonded to them. Their joy becomes your joy, their comfort and safety your comfort and safety, their pain you pain, their accomplishment your accomplishment, their setbacks your setbacks, etc. When you fear someone or something, you inherently recognize the need to put distance and separation between yourself and that person or thing.
This principle applies to both recombinant life forms (such as humans and all viral-parasitic organisms) and natural life forms alike.
It’s why a person who develops a romantic connection to another sympathetically experiences the emotional state of their lover, and why parents feel joy, pain and suffering through their children. It’s also why people can experience deep intuitive awareness to steer clear of certain people and things.
For the record, love isn’t good and fear isn’t bad, or vice versa. Together they produce balance.
In fact, love and fear (bonding and separation) aren’t just emotions, they’re actually functions of reality itself. Love (bonding) takes on many forms and manifests in reality in a variety of ways. Love (bonding) is also represented by the material realm of existence, and fear (distance/separation) is represented by the principle realm of existence.
Love is equal to male, and fear is equal to female. Love occupies the actual space and fear is or represents negative space. This principle is also symbolized by the sexual organs of males and females. The penis occupies the actual space, and the vagina is or represents negative space.
All matter (material) emerges from negative space — which means balanced love actually emerges from fear, and in order for fear to produce love, love must penetrate and release into fear.
Together, love and fear (bonding and separation) form balance — the balance that all of reality sustains by and as a result of.
Ironically, humans have this twisted concept that love is good and fear is bad. No, love and fear are both essential to balance. A balanced mind and/or a balanced life form inherently understands this.
That brings us to emotions that are based in idealism…
Idealism (which traces to parasitism, and ultimately back to corruption) distorts everything it touches. In idealism, natural emotions get broken into “fractals”, and thus fall onto a spectrum.
Love and fear (bonding and separation) get distorted or mutated into “acquisition” and “loss”. These are the underlying catalysts to human emotional states. The desire to acquire (or “bond with”: consume) external objects and the desire to put distance and separation between self and loss (to avoid starvation) serve as the basis for all other human emotions.
When humans think of love, they think of acquiring (owning, exercising dominion over, having unfettered access to: consuming) “objects” (people or things) they project their inner narrative or identity onto, as if to say: “I love you, so you are or should be mine, and exist as an extension of my identity.”
In idealism, fear is tantamount to “loss”. Humans are afraid to lose objects — people, relationships, artifacts, degrees of comfort, access to comfort, opportunities, power and authority dynamics, access to resources and consumption, life itself, etc, as if to say: “You are my object, and I can’t lose access to you or any of my property, as losing property is literally losing pieces of myself.”
Because human concepts of love and fear, or more accurately *acquisition and *loss are not based in reality, they don’t actually fulfill natural purposes, and thus don’t serve as static roles in reality — which means they’re incapable of achieving or producing balance, and are neither male nor female.
Idealism is rooted in and runs on desire. What motivates organisms that aren’t natural, and that don’t exist or move according to purpose is desire. In simpler terms, what the individual actor does and doesn’t desire is the basis for viewing all things through a lens of acquisition and loss.
Again, ideas fracture the lens of acquisition and loss, resulting in an emotional spectrum. For instance, the anticipation of loss and/or desire to put distance/separation between self and an ideal or representation of loss becomes worry/anxiety, and the anticipation of or desire for acquisition (and to avoid loss) becomes hope — and by extension, obsession, infatuation, excitement, glee, etc.
Anxiety and hope are ideal-based, just like envy (the fear others will have or can acquire/consume more than you), pride (self-worship, self-idealizing, as based on a belief of entitlement to acquisition/consumption), etc.
So to answer your question directly, humans run from *loss and run towards *acquisition. When they acquire validation and/or “character verification and affirmation” from others they feel happy (comforted by the serotonin and dopamine releases they get in their brains), and when they lose validation and/or are “humiliated”, and thus lose social status, or situational power and authority, they feel angry, scared, sad and dejected (and are thus thrust into a volatile state by being overwhelmed with adrenaline and noradrenaline — epinephrine and norepinephrine), in addition to becoming depressed by virtue of burning through their serotonin, dopamine and other hormone and neurotransmitter reserves.
This is what causes the phenomenon humans commonly refer to as cognitive dissonance.”