Bottleneck effect
You know the biggest problem I run into?
The bottleneck effect.
Alright, so imagine this…
I want you to imagine your city was tasked to build a space station that would definitely be launched into orbit in about a month’s time…
Imagine that none of the people in your town had any experience building space stations, so y’all were just figuring it out as you go…
Now I want you to imagine that somebody (or something) downloaded the blueprints for how to build a space station into your mind…
Imagine those blueprints also contained information on why your town’s people had been approaching it wrong from a conceptual level…
Imagine you started comparing the blueprints you had to everything you guys had built to that point…
Imagine you instantly recognized layers upon layers upon layers of fatal errors…
And not just fatal errors in the things you guys built, but fatal errors in the very paradigms and conceptual tools you guys achieved, and were using to solve problems and build structures and instruments with…
Now imagine trying to tell people about it…
I want you to imagine trying to wade through every tier and type of hierarchy in your town, and then all the layers of authority people developed surrounding and with respect to knowledge on space stations.
I want you to imagine you were situationally tasked to help people in your town develop a completely different way of reasoning, and that you had to do this before you guys could even broach topics like ‘the redistribution of labor’ and ‘recalculation efforts’ and what not….
Keep in mind that y’all have to fix a bunch of shit that nobody around you even realizes is problematic yet, and that if y’all don’t fix it, none of you survive…
Now I want you to imagine the town’s leadership already knows that most of the space station is going to fail, but they’ve designed a little bunker at the center of the station to keep themselves safe…
Imagine that they don’t even realize the bunker is structurally unstable too, because it was built from the same paradigms and using the same instruments as the rest of the space station.
Now imagine your town is just chock full of ignorant, selfish, self-assuming, narcissistic, stupid, jackasses…
I want you to imagine that they believe they’re “intelligent” because they’re well-versed in all the faulty paradigms…
Imagine these dumb asses don’t know and can’t tell the difference between people sharing useful information, and people trying to look important.
…and the reason they can’t tell the difference between useful information and people trying to look important is because they themselves only want to look important; they’re deathly afraid of being outshined…
Now I want you to imagine your town’s people falsely believe that their way of thinking is optimal, and that everybody and everything thinks and assigns value to things in the same ways they do (in so, paradoxically becoming their own greatest obstacle to learning).
Imagine saying: “Guys! I actually understand how to build a space station! I don’t need you to believe me… Just let me draw the blueprints for you, and you can examine them for yourselves! But we absolutely need to stop what we’re doing right now, because we’re about to get ourselves killed!”
Now imagine them responding: “We all know how to build a space station! That’s what we’ve been doing all along! What makes you think you’re better than the rest of us?”
Now imagine responding: “This isn’t a fucking popularity contest! The blueprints will proof themselves in real time! What we’ve been building is unsustainable. It only seems like it works because we’re not in space yet!”
Now imagine them responding: “Stop trying to be in charge! We’re next in line to be in charge! You’re supposed to be behind us! Stop trying to be the authority!”
And this brings me back to the point of the post…
Where are you supposed to start with that…? What will you have time to explain and fix before you guys are actually launched into space?
But before you can get to explanation, you have to waste an ungodly amount of time, energy and effort trying to diffuse scarcity, and the brazen arrogance and ignorance of your town’s people.
So on top of trying to build a proper space station… in addition to fixing the paradigms people have been utilizing towards building out the current project (and then building instruments to build out the current project with)… in addition to handling the responsibilities of your day to day living circumstance… you’ve got to deal with the pointless obstacle of cowardly people fearing you, because information you have could potentially make you look more important than them.
And the townspeople are (and/or would be) so trapped in a scarcity mindset that they’d too distraught to realize that looking important has absolutely nothing to do with realizing or trying to make mechanical adjustments.
How many things have to be explained before you can actually get to work fixing shit?
Hence, the bottleneck effect…
Everyday is like: “Damn… which grains of sand will I remove from the beach today?”