Changing The Word Money to *Plantation Vouchers*
Imagine you’re a slave on a plantation, right…
And I’m not just talking about a field worker or a house slave, this includes overseer slaves and/or slave masters too.
Imagine the plantation owner paid everyone, slaves and masters alike, with vouchers they could use to redeem goods and services on the property with.
Every person who’s beholden to the voucher system is a slave. And that’s irrespective of their status on the plantation, the amount of vouchers they have in their possession, or whatever ranking system they come up with to differentiate themselves from each other as individuals or groups. Anyone, including the owner, who believes in, or who’s beholden to the voucher system necessarily has a slave’s mentality.
Think about it like this…
If instead of thinking in direct transactions, your mind first routes everything through the plantation’s voucher system, then it means you think like a slave. If your primary focus in life is accruing enough plantation vouchers to live comfortably, then you have a slave’s mindset. If you think about using the voucher system to control, punish or reward others — that is, if you prioritize holding power and dominion over others within that system (within captivity) ahead of personal freedom, autonomy and the pursuit of your life’s purpose then you think like a slave; as slaves don’t know and can’t tell the difference between feeling superior to others and being free.
Plantation vouchers wouldn’t be good anywhere except for on the property. They’d have no power or effect in reality from beyond the boarders of the plantation. Even if the plantation spanned most of the globe this would still be the case. For instance, you couldn’t pay a bear with plantation vouchers to make it stop mauling you, or pay a fish to catch, clean and cook itself for you, or pay crops to plant and harvest themselves for you, or pay rain to pour, or skies to clear for you. The vouchers would only have power within the individual and collective imaginations of those who used them.
Ironically, even the plantation owner would have to think like a slave in the sense that in order to benefit from and maintain the voucher system, they’d have to mentally invest in it, which would necessarily require them to internalize the value of vouchers, and thus assume and maintain an identity within that conceptual construct. The owner would have to believe in, and would thus remain tethered to the system too, even if only in an exploitive capacity.
The plantation would be a prison. Everybody’s concept of freedom would be limited by and to the currency used on the plantation. Plantation vouchers would be and/or represent liquid authority. Authority is the power to determine meanings, order and the outcome of events. The more vouchers a slave had would be the more power they had to order others around, and dictate outcomes in conflicts or endeavors, and create or dictate meanings: perceptual parameters and/or ways for assessing and assigning value to things that ultimately underlay endeavors such as policy writing and lawmaking — e.g., “Any person with this amount of this type of genetic material in their blood is a ______, and thus allowed or not allowed to be or do certain things within the system.”
Slaves would covet and revere vouchers because slaves think hierarchically and/or in terms of power distribution chains — that is, slaves see everything through a lens of authority; i.e., “Who’s in power? Who deserves power and who doesn’t? Who do I bow to and who should bow to me? Who’s worth more and who’s worth less? Who deserves more and who deserves less? Who’s the most important and who’s the least important? Translation: Who should have the most vouchers — who should have the most [liquid] authority, and who shouldn’t? Etc, etc…”
This is what it is to be slave minded…
Instead of thinking “I need food”, your thinking would be “I need to acquire enough vouchers to get food with.” Instead of thinking “I need housing or building materials”, your thinking would be “I need to acquire enough vouchers to purchase a house or building materials with.” Even from a dispenser’s point of view, instead of asking “What should I be doing with my life right now? How do I realize my true potential and purpose?” your thinking would be “Who deserves vouchers and who doesn’t?”
Choosing systemic power over freedom and autonomy is thinking like a slave. It doesn’t matter where you sit in a power distribution chain…if your thinking is tethered to and hopelessly dependent on the power distribution chain then you think like a slave.
Your mind would be trapped…imprisoned within that construct. Your mind would always be captive to the perceived power and authority of plantation vouchers.
After a while your mind would begin to falsely equate vouchers to the products, services and goods they granted you access to. Instead of directly pursuing things you wanted or needed in life, your primary focus would shift to acquiring enough vouchers to do whatever you wanted or needed to do. As time passed the vouchers would take on a “godlike” quality in the sense that most people would just mindlessly revere their power and sort of vapidly praise them, while assuming vouchers could ultimately solve any problem or save them from calamity or unforeseen events.
At any rate, everyone on the plantation’s mind would be hopelessly tethered to this system of exploitation. If anyone were to question the validity of the voucher system, and you were of the slave mind yourself, you’d likely attack them and rush to defend the system’s value, necessity and honor, as defending the voucher system would be tantamount to defending part of your own identity: your primary means for survival.
And on the surface that might not seem so bad — that is, until it was time to dispense and/or interpret the value of plantation vouchers. If some people got heaps of vouchers for doing next to nothing, while others literally slaved themselves to death for little to none, then the voucher system would be corrupt — especially to those who were on the losing end of the labor exchange.
Even worse, the plantation owner could simply use stories to manipulate the value of vouchers so that one person’s vouchers were worth more than another’s. In fact, at any moment the plantation owner could simply declare that the vouchers were worthless — rendering everyone’s labor to that point invalid, and in essence stealing life force from them and leaving them with no form of recourse to reclaim their losses with.
This problem would only get compounded when or if people started trying to game each other out of vouchers and/or game the system. Once slaves started robbing other slaves for vouchers, or gambling for vouchers, or exchanging products and services under the table for vouchers, or using sexual favors to get vouchers, or creating subsystems of currency within the greater voucher system, they’d only succeed in giving the vouchers more and more power over their lives.
Not only would the plantation’s main economy run on vouchers, but the interdependent subsystems and sub-subsystems would all be voucher dependent too. This becomes especially problematic when you realize that at any point in time the plantation owner could simply say “Vouchers are only worth 50% today!”, or “25% today”… “or nothing at all…”, thereby robbing people of labor, life, liberty/mobility and personhood.
Now if your mind automatically processes every transaction through the voucher system, you won’t know what to do when or if the voucher system fails, or is intentionally devalued or collapsed by the plantation owner. What would happen if the plantation owner suddenly sold the plantation to someone else, and the new owner didn’t recognize and/or refused to acknowledge and reward the voucher system entirely? What would happen if a new owner said “Yeah, none of that shit matters to me. Get back to work or die.”?
What good would being a voucher millionaire be if the entire system could be destroyed or invalidated at any point in time?
But see, if you thought like a slave then you’d think the only answer to every problem in life was simply getting more vouchers. Even if the system was nullified, you’d likely sit around piddling your thumbs, waiting for the system to come back online so that you could get back to trading your life away for and fantasizing about plantation vouchers.
Let me put it into a scenario for you though…
Imagine one day the field workers were like: “No fair! We do all the work and the slave masters only brutalize and mistreat us, yet they get three times as many plantation vouchers as we get!”
Slave Masters: “Shut up! We’re more important than you so we deserve the most vouchers!”
*** : “But they’re still slaves.”
Working Slaves: “No, we’re the slaves, they’re the masters!”
*** : “So, let me see if I’ve got this straight… Vouchers are only good on this plantation and aren’t accepted anywhere else, right? Due to the vouchers only being good here, the slave masters are situationally bound to the plantation too, and forced to trade their lives away for vouchers to survive on. In fact, it seems the only thing that keeps them from realizing they’re slaves too is the illusion of holding power and dominion over you. It seems they confuse having the right and authority to brutalize, terrorize and take their anger and frustrations out on you with being free themselves. Aren’t they slaves too? Aren’t they hopelessly dependent on the voucher system as well?”
Overseer Slave: “Shut your fucking mouth, I’m a goddamn master! I make slaves produce by beating, terrorizing and killing them whenever they get out of line!”
*** : “Right. But you still get paid in vouchers, yes? Everything you consider to be your property is right here on this plantation, and you can’t take it off the plantation with you. The plantation owner can arbitrarily devalue or invalidate your vouchers just like it does to the field and house slaves, thereby making you nothing but a free range slave. The price for your added degree of freedom is keeping those you outrank “in line”, like a sheepdog tending a flock. What am I missing here?”
Overseer Slave: “You’re wrong, because I can leave anytime I want!”
*** : “With what? And go where? What can you actually do independent of the voucher system?”
Plantation Owner to Overseer, Field and House Slaves: “Beat the outsider to death and I’ll give you more vouchers and increase the value of vouchers! That person’s just trying to confuse you with a bunch of fancy words!”
*** : “Riiiiighhhttt….”
Overseer Slave: “With enough vouchers I can finally gain control of the voucher system, so that I can reward and punish the people who deserve it most!”
Field Slave 1: “Gotta get these vouchers! Vouchers over everything! Vouchers over n*ggas, b*tches, err’thing…”
Field Slave 2: “I’m chasing this bag (of vouchers)!”
*** : “The love of plantation vouchers has corrupted your hearts and minds. The love of vouchers has turned you into monsters — it is the root of all evil.”
House Slave 1: “Ain’t nobody trying to hear that bullshit, *** ! I gotta get these vouchers!”
House Slave 2: “ *** wants me to have plantation vouchers! *** wants us all to have plantation vouchers, and if you just give me some of your vouchers I’ll put in a good word so that he’ll hook you up too!!”
*** : “I want you all to survive long enough to rid yourself of corruption. If survival on this plantation entails utilizing vouchers then acquire and use them, but don’t get caught up in gaming for vouchers, as this entire plantation’s about to be destroyed. Let your true value exist and flourish in reality. Don’t get sucked deeper and deeper into this corrupt game.”
Slaves: “But we’ve done so much already! We’ve already invested so much of ourselves into this game! Collecting vouchers is already the base of our perceptive outlook! We’ve endured brutality from the overseer slaves, and had the plantation owner devalue and invalidate our vouchers time and time again!”
*** : “All of the evils committed on this plantation for vouchers will absolutely be brought to justice. No crime committed by the overseer slaves, the plantation owner or the field and house slaves has gone unnoticed or undocumented. No amount, type or level of corruption or corrupt activity ever goes unchecked. This much I can promise.”