I think defiance is one the trickiest human character traits of all…
On one hand, its essential to growth, development and sustainability at every level of society.
Like… people HAVE TO defy parasitism from those operating in positions of authority and within the higher tiers of social order, otherwise, social parasites blinded by addictions to power and desires to consume without restriction will destroy everything and impede all progress, just trying to fill these perceptual voids within themselves that they’re unable to articulate.
That means you actually HAVE TO stand up to tyranny.
You HAVE TO stand up to those who would abuse institutional and corporate power.
You HAVE TO stand up to individuals and groups who would abuse and exploit those weaker than them.
And not simply as a matter of self preservation, but for the sake of preserving society itself. If you let social parasites at the top have their way, they’ll destroy everything including themselves — in the same most diseases destroy everything in a host organisms’ bodies, ultimately, including themselves.
At some point, you just have to tell the addicts “No.”
What makes defiance tricky though is that most people defy things simply because those things challenge or conflict with their views of authority, and their own sovereignly held status beliefs.
In such cases, defiance is never about doing what makes the most sense towards achieving or preserving balance, sustainability and potential…
Instead, in such (well, actually most) cases, defiance is more about preserving, defending and uplifting individual and group status beliefs — preserving one’s view of authority.
In most people’s minds, defiance is simply a competition — a contest of wills; a game of sorts.
In other words, most people defy things that say they’re wrong (that say they’re lacking or out of theme with authority), as opposed to defying things on the grounds of principled reasoning, personal honesty and the pursuit of truth, balance and sustainability.
When your outlook and worldview prioritizes “making other people wrong” ahead of actually making sense, you become a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
When your sense of defiance is rooted in preserving authority, and you prioritize authority ahead of cognizance, adaptation, truth and balance, you necessarily become an enemy to both the universe and reality.