For Humans, Fighting Is Just Weird
Fighting is just weird as shit when you think about it…
Take a few seconds to think about what fighting actually is. Hand to hand combat is what you call it when people whip their flesh against each other’s flesh, or use their limbs as strangulation devices or fulcrums to break other people’s bodies and wills down with. Hand to hand combat is turning yourself into a weapon — into an instrument of destruction or something that can be used to damage other people and things with.
Humans usually turn their bodies into weapons for one of two main reasons: 1. because they want to transfer their rage into others, or 2. because they want to defend themselves against other people’s attempts to transfer rage into them or those they feel connected to. That means you practice being good at physical violence because you either want to hurt people, or because you want to neutralize others and prevent people from hurting you and those who matter to you. It can also be said that people train their bodies to become weapons for sport, however, the goal of combat sports is to effectively dominate opposition, which necessarily entails either directly or passively transferring rage into opponents, or preventing opponents from transferring rage into self, to some extent or another.
Some people practice fighting to achieve high levels of self-mastery (e.g., Shaolin monks), however, the principles behind the movements they study, hone and master are attack and defense, thereby circling back to the previous points.
Training with weaponry is basically learning how to view and treat instruments of destruction as extensions of your physical body. Weapons represent people’s capacity to transfer rage into others, as they assist people in injuring and destroying things.
Humans fighting is just weird though, when you think about it…
For instance, humans dump ridiculous amounts of time, energy, effort and resources into being good at and prepared for physical violence. Unlike in nature, wherein violence is happenstance to survival and procreation, humans will waste years of their lives training their minds, reflexes, muscle memory, nerve-sensitivity and abilities to focus through pain, distraction and injury, just trying to prepare themselves to prevail in contests of whipping flesh against other people’s flesh. We seem to be the only species on the planet that dedicates significant portions of our lives to preparing for battles that may or may not occur.
As compared to most natural animals, human flesh and bone density is soft. In order to make it tough enough to weaponize against other people you’ve either gotta whip it against flesh, or whip it against materials that are far denser than human flesh to condition it. That means you literally have to practice injuring and destroying your body if you wanna have any shot at being tough enough to defeat others.
Again, the main purpose of fighting for humans is to transfer rage into people and things. It’s like: “I’m mad, and I want to use violence as an outlet for my anger — as an instrument to release all this tension and all of these negative emotions that have built up within me into somebody else with!”
Ironically, this is why knockouts are so appealing to people. If you knock somebody out, at least at a perceptive level, then you’ve effectively dominated them — that is, you’ve effectively transferred your rage into them, and/or neutralized or invalidated their rage and their capacity to transfer rage into you. That’s what makes knockout artists look heroic and like badasses to people who are full of rage themselves, and who just wanna release rage into other people and things. If summed into an expression, the fan and/or onlooker’s sentiments would be: “They did it! They punctuated the moment! They successfully dumped their rage into somebody else — and through the sympathetic connection I feel to either them or the circumstance, I feel as though some of my own rage was transferred along with theirs! Dumping negative emotions into people and things feels good and gets me high!”
Humans are a viral-parasitic species. A virion (an agent belonging to a disease) is a life form that either competes its way to self termination, or gets interrupted or neutralized before it has the chance to. All viral-parasitic life forms are agents of corruption — again, corruption being a glitch in the coding of principles of natural organization acting out at the higher scales of celestial plane. In short, one of the higher life forms we belong to got injured in such a way that it resulted in what know and commonly refer to as an “infection”. That infection has spread throughout its body, into healthy systems and cellular building blocks, thereby creating a state of “disease”.
The reason I mention all of this is because the underlying emotional state and condition of corruption is rage. Agents of corruption are motivated towards reality and all things therein by rage. Corrupt life forms both nurture and store up rage within themselves, and then seek to infect everything they happen across with the essence of corruption manifesting through them. Narcissism, competition, aggression and greed are all based in rage — and these propensities sum to form the perceptive outlook for viral-parasitic creatures (or at least those who remain beholden to corruption).
Again, humans primarily fight because they want to transfer rage into people and things.
I want you to think about that for a second…
When someone says or does something that pisses you off, you’re ready to square up. Why? Because you’ve been conditioned to rid yourself of negative emotions by dumping them into others — usually those who inspired them within you, those who triggered your psychological defenses on some level, or (more often than not) those who are weaker than or disadvantaged to you in some way, shape or form.
And for corrupt life forms, releasing rage into things feels euphoric. It’s why people get addicted to abusing others, or destroying things or making people and things suffer for their amusement and satisfaction. It’s why people elate in “canceling”, censoring, silencing and/or invalidating and disempowering others. Be it through direct transaction or sympathetically, releasing rage at or into other people and things just feels good to most people. More often than not, people start fights or invite conflicts because they want to unburden themselves of rage. In fact, that’s what makes racists and nationalist campaign vigilantly for the right to bully out groupers — usually groups they outnumber, outgun or socially outrank. What they’re actually fighting to protect is their right to have someone to target with their rage, and to release their negative emotions into.
Releasing rage into people and things is highly addictive.
Another thing that makes fighting weird, especially in society, is the fact that fighting is for “poor people”. That’s a longstanding rule in society, actually…
If you’re poor then you’ve been conditioned to believe that solving problems in life really just boils down to having the ability to transfer your rage into and/or dominate and physically impose will onto others. Generally speaking, the lower you are on the socioeconomic ladder is the more you value physical violence and weaponry. The people who run the world engage in economic and psychological warfare, but they leave all of the shooting, kicking, punching and stabbing to the miscreants and commoners. Nothing says: “I’m from the lower (slave) classes and/or my mind is still trapped there!” quite like the amount of value the actor places on physical violence, and the beliefs they hold regarding what they can accomplish through it. Slave-minded people idealize direct physical violence, and revel in having the means to do direct physical damage to other people and things.
And ironically, fighting almost never solves or even addresses the problems, situations or circumstances that inspire or lead to it. If you’re mad because someone stepped on your shoe, and you rush transfer your rage into them and you guys end up slugging it out, you only end up ruining your shoes even more, along with your hands, face and clothes. But hey, at least you transferred some (not all, but some) of your rage into them, right? That is, assuming someone was there to witness it, or the individual you attempted to dump your rage into acknowledged your success in doing it…
…because dumping your rage into someone only works if the affected party acknowledges it, or someone else is there to witness it. If no one acknowledges your rage dump, it’s almost like it never happened — which is actually the principle Jesus was illuminating when he said “turn the other cheek.” Rage dump only works through some type or level of consensus.
“You got the knocked the fuck out!” translates into: “He effectively transferred his rage into you by neutralizing your body, and there’s nothing you can do about it!” It only matters when someone’s there to witness it, or acknowledge the value of it.
You know what’s even weirder about fighting though? The fact that people who only want to be good at violence so that they can transfer their rage into others are generally the first to claim they practice violence to prevent others from using violence against them. For the record, they’re lying. The notion that others have the capacity to transfer rage into them is flimsy excuse they use to target, or fantasize about targeting others with their own rage.
All these wannabe “patriots” now have been practicing violence under the guise of protecting themselves, when in reality they’re not even under attack from anyone — at least not at the levels they’re willing to acknowledge and fight back on. They just want to use patriotism and fake cultural narratives as justifications to release their rage into people who are situationally disadvantaged to them.
In America, the value of the dollar is being tanked from offshore, and instead of standing up to who and what’s really threatening them, these wannabe “patriots” would much rather bully people from within their own borders than stand up to real threats. Why? Because they don’t want to understand or solve problems, they just want to get the euphoric sensation they experience from dumping rage into people who are powerless to fight back on fair terms. It’s not about understanding or solving economic or systemic problems, they just want to satisfy their addiction to unburdening themselves of rage.
Think about racists, nationalists, soldiers and the broad majority of political and police figures and officials, and even feminists, misogynists, and religious zealots like evangelicals, etc. They literally train themselves to fight so that they can aggress against others under the guise of self and social defense. It’s all just different versions of the same story…
Unfortunately, dumping rage is an addiction — which means electing authority figures who are totalitarian or dictatorial is literally selecting addicts to be leaders and make decisions on behalf of larger groups. Just to put it into perspective for you, could you imagine trusting meth-heads to write policies or make decisions on behalf of social systems that would necessarily affect you and your family? Would they not write policies or make decisions that would ultimately prioritize satisfying their addiction over and ahead of protecting and preserving the social system? That’s literally what it is… Picking people who just want to fight and/or dump their rage into others to be in charge is literally begging to suffer on the backend. Why, you ask? Because when there’s no salient enemy for them to fight against or to target with their rage and animus with, their addiction to dumping rage into others will absolutely cause them to turn on you.
It’s why most people don’t have a problem with bullies when they think the bullies are on their side, however, when there’s no one for the bully (the rage addict) to attack, it almost always turns on those closest to it.
The main point of fighting is to unburden oneself of rage. And if you don’t practice neutralizing rage from within, then you’ll think every problem can be solved by simply dumping your rage into people and things.