How To Dismantle the Worldview, Lies, Beliefs and Accusations of Ideologues/Aggressive Narcissists In Social Media

Donald King
12 min readJan 10, 2020


How To Dismantle the Worldview, Lies, Beliefs and Accusations of Ideologues

Most of my Facebook friends list is comprised of people who friend requested me. In fact, I’ve only friend requested about 10, no more than 15 people within the last 5 years or so.

Most of the people who friend request me do so after seeing me debate against others in various forums, and after they’ve develop an appreciation for how well I hold my ground and am able to explain myself through and under massive amounts of aggression, outrage and contempt.

Every now and again, people take issue with my way of dealing with aggressive folks, and find me off-putting, as some of the exchanges can get quite heated at times.

Something I want you all to understand though is that everything is calculated from my end. That is to say, I know the type of pressure I want to put on aggressors, and I never lose control of my emotions, or lose sight of my greater objective through the wild and crazy exchanges. Of course, anybody could make such a claim though, as people are or at least tend to be self-idealizing. So instead of just telling you I’m in control or that I know what I’m doing, I think it’s probably best to just give you the step by step breakdown of what I do, so that you can follow along and identify which step I’m on in the process of neutralizing opposition, the next time you see me in a heated exchange with somebody.

It’s pretty cut and dry really. It’s a pretty simple formula you can learn and implement yourself. And no, I didn’t learn it from anyone…

Like most things you see me talk about, it’s just something I inherently understand.

Let’s just start with this…

I’m a magnet for narcissists. Narcissists tend to be drawn to me for different reasons. Some are drawn to me because they find me impressive and wish to impress upon me their value and worth, so that ultimately I might validate their identities and/or internal narratives — that is, their feelings, experiences, beliefs, habits and practices. Most narcissists however are drawn to me because they want to “defeat me” and/or (in their view) “put me in my place”.

You see, narcissists generally feel compelled to attack and subdue anyone who doesn’t validate or reflect their identities back to them. Narcissists feel strong senses of anger, outrage and aggress towards those who challenge or undermine their own senses of value, potency and worth.

Most times I’m a magnet for narcissists because of how I perform in the way of critical thinking, and then organizing and articulating my thoughts, views and experiences.

Contrary to popular belief, narcissism is not in fact an illness. It is instead a condition. Much like tennis elbow (which stems from overuse, and subsequent inflammation of the tendons linking the forearm to the elbow, which results from not properly developing or engaging supportive muscles within the forearm and wrist), narcissism is a condition that develops as a result of not properly engaging the mind and dynamic thought process.

When people live within and for their identities, and in so, block out information and reality so as to protect and preserve their identities, it results in narcissism. One can’t properly engage the mind by forgoing thinking, so as to rely on belief — notably, status beliefs.

A person becomes narcissistic by not living within or critically engaging reality. Such individuals are who and what I commonly refer to in my work as “ideologues”. Ideologues are individuals who allow beliefs, belief systems, reports, formulas, social norms, expectations and status beliefs to inform their worldview and do all critical thinking for them, as opposed to actually reasoning — which is, considering, organizing, outputting and processing information, ideas, effects and affects, and experiences in real time.

You become a narcissist by immersing yourself within your identity, and refusing to consider, recognize or respond to anything that doesn’t reflect the validity, worth and value of your identity back to you.

This is what makes the ideologue and ideologue. Ironically, it is also what makes an ideologue cowardly. Being deathly afraid of, and hopelessly compelled to attack, subdue and exploit, or destroy or retreat from anything that doesn’t reflect the value of the identity back is what makes people cowardly — hence, “cowardly ideologues”.

Narcissists are cowardly ideologues — they are one and the same.

When you see me break people down in my threads and comments, what you’re actually watching me do is fundamentally dismantle the status beliefs, and unfounded senses of accomplishment, authority and capability of narcissists. The reason why you’ll likely never see me lead with aggress towards others is because I myself do not suffer from narcissism. That is to say, my dynamic thought process is fully and properly engaged, and as such, my mind is strong, and I do not feel the need to attack, subdue or hurt people for not reflecting my identity back to me. I’m not fundamentally threatened by people or things that say I’m wrong, or that the value of my identity is somehow lessened by not being accepted and uplifted by them or others.

How to neutralize narcissists really boils down to a simple series of steps guys, and I’m gonna show you how to do it.

Most narcissists you’ll encounter are going to be aggressive, deceitful, dismissive and condescending, exploitive assholes. By this I mean they’re going to bring drama to you, and attempt to weaponize words and terminologies and labels, and their feelings and beliefs against, so as to turn those things into instruments they can use to injure, humiliate, attack or subdue you with.

You see, cowards love weapons. They love anything they can get their hands on that will afford them the ability to unilaterally aggress against others.

Principally speaking, a coward (notably, an aggressive coward) can be defined as any person who experiences feelings of insecurity and uncertainty within themselves, and who, instead of facing down the things that make them feel powerless in life, chooses to take their aggression, anger, frustrations, outrage and feelings of ineptness out on others — usually those they perceive as weaker and/or powerless as compared to them.

Through the years I’ve racked up quite a few internet hours going toe to toe with cowardly ideologues from all walks of life — that is, people who can’t separate their own feelings and beliefs from reality itself, and who won’t let you off the hook until you acknowledge and validate them and their sense of self worth, and status beliefs.

My approaches to interacting with, and ways for dealing with ideologues have evolved a lot over time…

It used to be that I would try to reason with them for days on in, trying to “nice” them into a space of personal honesty, wherein we could communicate with each other effectively. I still do this from time to time, however, these days I find it more effective to trigger them early, so that we can bring all of their aggression and dishonesty to the surface very quickly, and deal with it on the front end. I’ve found that if you don’t do this, people will waste days, and even weeks and months talking in circles, and ducking, dodging, gaslighting, blaming and deflecting, and ultimately trying to lull you into accepting and edifying their own feelings and beliefs — and in so, reflect their identity and value back to them.

I can’t waste forever trying to reason with fundamentally dishonest people. If honesty is the individual’s will and effort to sync up with reality, then how can you get a person who’s content to lie to themselves to recognize and sync up with reality?

Alright, so let’s get into the steps of breaking ideologues down now…

1. First identify the narcissist. The easiest way to spot a cowardly ideologue can be noted in how they approach conversation with you. Any person who, out the gate, is attempting to impose their will on you, and compete against, marginalize, derail or undermine you and what you’re saying, or who attempts to mock you and others, so that ultimately they can plaster their own feelings and beliefs over top of everything else that’s being said is a narcissist and/or cowardly ideologue.

It’s basically: “My feelings and beliefs are more important than you and yours! Shut up and let me speak over you! I am superior! I am the authority!!”

Any person who comes to you trying to police or correct your thinking, sans demonstrating an awareness of or understanding for what you’re actually saying is a narcissist. The reason I say this is because, without so much as a moment’s consideration, they’ll have already made their feelings and beliefs more important than you or what you’re saying. Forming opinions without thoughtful consideration is, in the most technical sense, the very definition of ignorance (meaning ‘to ignore’).

2. Understand the mind of the narcissist/ideologue. The ideologue basically feels that everything that doesn’t edify, yield to or reflect their own feelings and beliefs back to them is a direct attack being made against them. If someone performs better than the narcissist, the narcissist will (paradoxically) presume the superior performer is narcissistic. If someone believes differently than the narcissist, the narcissist will call them stupid, arrogant, delusional, uneducated, etc. If someone has an experience that isn’t limited by or to the narcissist’s expectations, experiences, worldview or beliefs, the narcissist will call them crazy or mentally defective. The narcissist must defeat, subdue, contain, explain away or categorically define everyone and everything, so as to protect, preserve or enhance their own identity.

A cowardly ideologue lives their entire life for their identity. The identity (also called the internal narrative) is the collection of meanings, symbols, beliefs, group allegiances, habits, practices, trends, and social markers and characteristics that individuals collect throughout the course of their lives and seek to self actualize through. The identity is basically the story the ideologue tells themselves about the world around them, and their place and value within it.

A narcissist is deathly afraid of anything that threatens the identity. The narcissist is deathly afraid of being wrong. When you understand this, then you understand why they feel the need to attack, and why they must seek to subdue or destroy any and everything that doesn’t verify or edify them.

3. Recognize that the narcissist is there to attack and compete against you in an effort to “win”, and in so, defend its identity, so be the first to escalate the intensity of the exchange.

People might perceive you as an aggressive asshole for doing this — especially other narcissists, as what they (other cowardly ideologues) are hoping for is the aggressor to subdue and destroy that which threatens their own identity. You have to understand that cowards are cheering for the aggressive coward silently from the sidelines, and they’re secretly begging for someone to “put you in your place”…

This is the reason for why it’s important to escalate the intensity of the exchange quickly. What the aggressor cowardly ideologue is hoping for is to rally other cowards to join in their aggression against you. They’re trying to rally a mob of aggress, so as to ultimately silence and break you under the weight of a massive wave of contempt and verbal assaults.

4. Use chiding to really push them to the point of honesty and divulgence. A lot of times you will see me remark on my intelligence as compared to others in brutal exchanges. While it is true that my mind performs well, I’m also keenly aware of the fact that I am not the reason for this…

Whether you accept that I’m an avatar or not, or you simply believe that I’m a smart guy, I’m not the reason for why my mind performs in the way that it does. I’m simply the product and output of a situation I had no hand in shaping. Therefore, taking pride in something I didn’t actually do would be akin to a racist feeling proud for being born a specific color, or a tall person believing they were inherently superior to others for genetics they did not choose. That being said, the person (narcissist) commenting on your post is there because they’re jealous and triggered, and wish to be disruptive and an all-around source of distraction on your thread. That’s not your fault, it’s theirs; as jealousy is rooted in pride and vanity, and as such, is something that is practiced. Again, narcissism is a condition, not an illness. It’s a result of bad mental practices, and not an inherent state or way of being…

That being said, remark on the narcissist’s insecurities. Point their insecurities and shortcomings out and then mock them ruthlessly. The goal in this isn’t to be cruel to anyone, but instead, to get the narcissist to stop using deep social acting to mask their true feelings and intentions towards you.

5. Be sure to ask plenty of questions — and not questions that are simply designed to defeat their position, but instead, questions aimed at making sure you’re tracking what’s transpiring in the discussion, so as to be sure you understand everything that’s being said.

The last thing you want when debating against someone who’s lost in their internal narrative is for you to get lost in yours. An easy way to make sure you understand what’s happening, and that you’re consistent with reality is to ask them questions about the things they say, and to request proper explanations for things you don’t understand in what they say, or in how the things they’re saying connect to the general point and theme of discussion.

6. Copy and paste everything they write and then respond to it line by line. The reasoning behind this is two-part really… First, you want to make sure you breakdown and understand everything they accuse you of and/or levy against you. Secondly, you want to make sure that you properly address all points, and then frustrate them by keeping the conversation mechanical and organized, as opposed to perceptual and happening within your respective inner worlds.

I suppose too that when you do this, you become aware of everything that’s been shared in the exchanges between you, and can call them out for all the ways in which they’ve lied and contradicted themselves.

The goal is ultimately to give them the opportunity to share every single thought and feeling they have about you and your post, so that it’s all documented, and so that they and others can read it all down when everything’s said and done. People’s feelings and beliefs make sense to them inside their own heads and through their experiences. However, emotions can give us a false sense of certainty about things, which may not be consistent with how things are in reality. That is to say, you have to get narcissists to record their feelings and beliefs into a format that they can observe from outside of their own biases and imaginations.

7. Remain honest with yourself and with the narcissist. Be brave enough to admit the things you don’t know. Genuinely listen and try to understand. Admit to your oversights, shortcomings and errors. Don’t be afraid to assess things and adjust. Most importantly, never use deception to get ahead in the discussion. When you do so, it means you’re trying to compete and win, as opposed to neutralize aggression within your opposition. When your main focus is winning, you’ve already lost.

8. Never let them off the hook. Don’t simply disengage from narcissists out of boredom or frustration. The worst thing about cowardly ideologues is that they’re bullies. They run around trying to interrupt, derail, attack and humiliate people, and be all around aggressive jackasses, for literally no good reason whatsoever.

This is bad behavior. Be brave enough to interrupt and stand against bad behavior. For far too long now, the world has simply turned away from aggressive cowards, and they’ve multiplied and spread like wildfire. Aggressive cowardice is like a virus — it spreads pathologically. Neutralize that bullshit at your doorstep. Don’t just leave it for the next person to deal with or clean up. Point out every instance in which the narcissist ducks, dodges and deflects. Show them all the ways in which they’re dishonest and pointlessly aggressive. Make them ride it out.

Look here… everybody has reason to feel tense and angry at times. That does not give anyone the right to run around taking their frustrations out on others. Take time to show the cowardly ideologue all the ways in which their beliefs are incomplete, incoherent and inferior to truth and reality. It might take a day, it might take a week. And you will have to face all of their wrath and aggression. But keep in mind that they’re just a broken shell of a person, so consumed with their identities and feelings of insecurity and uncertainty that they’re doing everything in their power to feel some sense of purpose and grounding.

9. Once they’ve tuckered themselves out from trying to defeat you, give them the opportunity to have an honest conversation. BUT… not until they own up to what they’ve done, and the ways in which they tried to aggress against you.

If someone makes a negative impact, don’t acknowledge them until they acknowledge what they’ve done. Once they acknowledge what they’ve done, and apologize for it, and attempt to make it right, then treat them as a brother or a sister.

The narcissist processes information and reality on the authoritarian mode. The mode itself is dumb as fuck. It prioritizes capturing, defending and imposing will and authority onto others above reality itself. When cowardly ideologues compete and/or try to win and defeat others with their views and beliefs, it is because they’re running on the authoritarian mode.

“Authority over everything!” — The Narcissist/Cowardly Ideologue

When you engage them, the point can’t be to win, but to instead, break their will and desire to win. Once they stop trying to win, they finally can start being honest and synching up with reality.

I might edit this moving forward, but these are the basic principles you see me employ every time you see me in an aggressive exchange with some disruptive, insecure jackass.



Donald King
Donald King

Written by Donald King

I write to explain how I see reality through a unique lens that's been afforded to me.

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