How To Reach Enlightenment In a Single Post
So today we’re going to talk about how to reach enlightenment. Not to worry folks, this isn’t going to be a bunch of pseudo-spiritualist bullshit, philosophical rhetoric or religiosity. This is going to be a stripped down explanation. We’re gonna keep everything real plain and simple-like…
LOL, some of y’all might be well on your way to enlightenment by or before the end of this post — which, suffice it to say, won’t be too long…
Let’s start with enlightenment. What is it? What humans call enlightenment is simply universal understanding and an awareness of/for self with respect to the grander system of systems. It has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge or belief systems of any kind, and everything to do with how you process information and reality.
It’s an outlook — a way of viewing the world and making sense of things. Enlightenment is seeing reality without the ‘cloud of belief’ (which is the core essence of perceptive valuation) cast over it.
Let’s make it simpler than that though…
Enlightenment is simply the realization that everything isn’t about you…
Again… Enlightenment is simply the realization that EVERY… FUCKING… THING IN EXISTENCE… IS NOT… ABOUT… YOUUUUUU!!!
Once you realize everything in life isn’t about you, you become exponentially more intelligent and mentally capable. Why? Because you can process information, reality and concepts without factoring yourself, that is, your desires, your goals, your groups and allegiances, your hopes and wishes, the things you’ve learned and define yourself and outlook by, and all things related to self, into EVERYTHING you observe or consider.
“Why am I so special and unique?”
“Why are humans so much smarter than the other animals?”
“Why is my group better than all the other groups?”
“What about my personal happiness and satisfaction?”
“How does what you’re saying relate to me?”
“If it doesn’t fit with, conform to or include things I’ve learned and believe to be true then it must be false!”
“What makes you think you know more than me?”
“Well I’m a _____, and what I believe is…”
Etc, etc, etc…
Before you reach enlightenment, your entire worldview, and subsequently attitudes, actions and behaviors are shaped by a desire to demonstrate value to others, so as to increase your presence, and consequently, your access to the social troth. Simply put, your default program is to make the biggest impact on [your] groups, so that you can increase your chances to get the biggest rewards. This is the base-mode of reasoning behind the hive mind and perceptive valuation… ‘Demonstrate value so that you can consume more.’
The hive mind is dumb. Thinking through the hive mind makes you stupid; that is, it makes you mentally lazy. That mode and/or operating system can’t process complex concepts or meta-structures that either represent or entail grand systems that are comprised of interdependence between smaller, perceivably contained systems…
But I’m getting a little too deep now, and I promised to keep this simple…
Once you stop thinking everything is about YOU, then:
You stop believing information and stories that don’t make any fucking sense, simply because they tell you you’re special and that you deserve things (comforts, freedoms, opportunities, considerations and rewards) ahead of other people and organisms…
You stop anthropomorphizing reality and all things therein, because you unconsciously elevate human life (by extension of yourself), achievements, traits and proclivities, (presumed) potential and experiences to the level of truth and reality for all things…
You abandon all victimhood narratives…
All biases immediately go out the window, because you stop believing things that are either familiar or convenient to you simply because they’re familiar or convenient, and basically sum to the notion that you’re (somehow, morally) ’superior to others, and deserve to consume and/or have access to more rewards than others’.
You stop trying to interrupt and/or speak over people or things that disagree with you, or make you feel small or threatened, because they don’t edify you, your beliefs, habits and practices or your sense of authority; which is your desire to demonstrate value to others, so as to increase your chances to consume.
You stop believing stupid (mentally lazy) things about intellect, like ‘intelligence is a type of status that can be awarded to you by institutions, groups of individuals or credentials, and realize intelligence (at least with respect to humans) is purely and simply about how well one’s mind can consume, process, organize and output information, ideas and expressions.
You stop thinking stupid (mentally lazy) things, like “truth is subjective” and “reality is what we (humans) make it.”
You become empathetic.
You become capable of building REAL relationships with people, because you stop treating people like they (or the parts of them you desire to exploit) exist SOLELY to satisfy you and your interests. You stop treating people like slaves, and like objects to project your desires and burdens onto, and start developing mutual bonds with people…
You stop trying to make truth, reality and everything you see and touch convenient to you. That means you don’t mind taking extra steps if they’re required, so as to not make a harmful impact on others or the greater systems you share, because you’re thinking systemically not locally, and not focused solely on what you can capture by way of value from the systems you co-opt.
You don’t TRY TO COMPETE WITH TRUTH OR WHOEVER IT MANIFESTS THROUGH, simply because you fear losing attention, moral high ground or opportunities and rewards…
You don’t think in or attempt to define yourself or others by social groups or norms.
Simply put, you stop living as a character who’s constantly vying for attention, eager and desperate to demonstrate and defend your value to others, so that you can increase your chances to blindly consume.
I could literally extend this list for days…
When you reach enlightenment you basically stop thinking, behaving and viewing reality like a parasite.
Listen here…
This post is not about you. This isn’t your opportunity to demonstrate value or prove how much you matter to others, by attempting to derail, undermine or include yourself in what’s being said here, or show me why and how I’m not morally superior to you or anyone else…
Truth is not about you. Reality is not about you. Universal or social principles are not about you. The words and ideas of others are not about you…
Once you let go of that huge fucking mirror that’s been obstructing your view of everything, you will finally see reality and the world in clear terms.
That is the straightest and most accurate path to enlightenment. Setting down the fucking mirror; that is, letting go of the character you’ve spent your entire life building and defending.
One thing I can absolutely promise you is that your ‘higher self’ is so, so, SOOOOOO much more interesting than your social character.