I Hope…
I hope that at some point in your life, you’re fortunate enough to fall in love with being excellent…
I hope you fall in love with pushing yourself to the heights and limits of your potential and capability, and consequently, with the refusal to be or settle for anything less than your very best…
I hope you fall in love with expecting so much from yourself that you become blind, deaf and dumb to what others did, are doing or haven’t done, and to all criticisms from the dull masses, as you become fully consumed by where and how you can improve, and ultimately reach the unimaginable…
I hope your standards become so impossibly high that the fears of failing, rejection and embarrassment take distant backseats to an insatiable hunger to try your very best…
I hope you become so enamored with excellence that laziness and complacency become sins you simply can’t tolerate in yourself or in others…
I hope you fall in love with being excellent so passionately and deeply that when other people see your excellence, they fall in love with it too…