Ideologues (part 1)
1. a person who zealously advocates an ideology.
[ahy-dee-ol-uh-jee, id-ee-]
British Dictionary
noun plural -gies
- a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc and underlies political action
- philosophy sociol the set of beliefs by which a group or society orders reality so as to render it intelligible
- speculation that is imaginary or visionary
- the study of the nature and origin of ideas
- American Dictionary
- noun, plural i·de·ol·o·gies.
- 1 the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.
- 2 such a body of doctrine, myth, etc., with reference to some political and social plan, as that of fascism, along with the devices for putting it into operation.
- 3 Philosophy.
- the study of the nature and origin of ideas.
- a system that derives ideas exclusively from sensation.
So you see me write a lot of posts about ideologues and/or authoritarian-thinkers; that is, people who process information and reality through the hive mind. But I haven’t really gone in depth with this topic from a principle view yet, so in this series, I’m going to break it all the way down.
I’ve mentioned that ideologues are always the greatest threats to their ideologies and/or the groups, labels and jargon they seek to define themselves by, and in this series I’m going to explain how and why, in addition to many other points related to the topic.
So, let’s start by addressing what an ideologue actually is. Above you’ll see definitions listed for both ideologues and ideology. However, these definitions are broadly incomplete when it comes to explaining what an ideologue actually is. An ideologue isn’t simply a person who zealously advocates for an ideology, but instead, a person who processes information and reality according to authority, and subsequently seeks to edify and uplift the ideologies they seek to define themselves by to positions of authority for everyone.
Simply put, an ideologue is a person who wants the ideology they represent (and/or that they feel represents them) to be the authority that dictates reason and reality both to and for everyone and everything.
If summed into a statement it would be: “If I believe it then you better believe it too. And if you don’t, then I’m going to either make you suffer myself, or hope that you suffer somehow as a result of not believing me and yielding to my authority.”
Again, principally defined, authority is *the power to determine meanings, order and the outcome of events. As noted in the previous series, authority is (what I refer to in my work as) a “conceptual substance”, and people get a physical high from perceiving themselves to capture authority from others.
And an ideologue thinks like an addict. They want their ideology to determine meanings, order and the outcome of events for everyone and everything, so that they can get physically high off of the perception of being right.
In the hands and minds of ideologues, ideologies (belief systems, cultures, institutions, fandoms, mythologies, etc) are not simply tools to be used for developing understanding for life and reality, or improving their comprehension of/for the world around them. Instead, ideologies are weapons they seek to subdue and dominate others with. Ideologues attempt to use [their] ideologies to establish authority, and subsequently, stratification systems and/or status beliefs, that necessarily place them in positions of “deserving” and consideration above and ahead of ‘out groupers’.
An ideologue’s sense of authority isn’t or doesn’t have to be confined exclusively to preexisting ideologies though. They can achieve ideologies specific to their own desires, interests and worldview that imbue them with the same senses of entitlement, and subsequent propensities to forcefully impose their beliefs onto others. In cases like these, ideologues tend to manifest in the forms of sociopaths and/or (lone) social predators.
So for instance, a serial killer is an example of an extreme ideologue. And like all ideologues, they’re addicted to the conceptual substance of authority. They may manufacture some arbitrary criteria for determining how to choose victims to exercise “ultimate authority over” (that is, torture and murder) however, their senses of “righteousness” are fundamentally no different than that of theists, atheists, capitalists, science enthusiasts, etc…
“Ideologue” is a WAY of processing information and reality; a mode of thinking that prioritizes authority ahead of reasoning, honesty, objective consideration and adaptive thinking.
The ideologue seeks to IMPOSE beliefs onto reality, as opposed to observing and responding to information and reality in real time.