Ideologues (part 9) The Unofficial Chapter
How to build the perfect slave (in steps).
Step one: Facilitate and nurture addictions.
A perfect slave is one who doesn’t require eyes-on management 24/7. The perfect slave is one who actively participates in their own subjugation — the slave whose sense of purpose is tied to your own interests, wishes, designs, needs and sense of wellbeing, and whose sense of identity is tied to the purpose you give to them.
The most effective way to build loyal slaves is by nurturing and managing addictions. Oddly enough, controlling necessities isn’t the best way to control slaves. For instance, you wouldn’t want to develop slaves by simply starving them. Withholding food and water weakens the body and lessens output (by way of labor). Added to that, as time progresses, overusing malnourished and dehydrated bodies destroys them faster, ultimately decreasing return on investment.
On top of that, when you start toying with necessity, you run the risk of triggering natural defenses in people or beings — which no slave master really wants to deal with.
So instead of controlling them with physical pain and by withholding necessities, the best way to control slaves is with psychological pain — specifically, by managing the withdrawal pains they experience as a result of the addictions you foster within them.
That being said, you don’t want to get slaves addicted to hard substances, like meth, crack, coke or anything like that, because those substances are way too potent and plentiful. If a person gets addicted to crack, you can’t control them because the addiction controls them at that point, and they become more concerned with scoring substances than they are with who they get the substances from and why…
Instead, you have to get slaves addicted to something that only you have the power to give to them. And it has to be something that gets them high, but not so high that they can isolate and readily identify it (and potentially view it as a source of trouble and a creator of distress for them).
So the best thing to get slaves addicted to are hidden substances. And a conceptual substance is just that — a phenomenon that makes a material impact on the perception, and subsequently, causes people to experience feelings of euphoria and inebriation, resultant from the process of conceptualization.
Some examples of conceptual substances are things like authority, comfort, freedom, justice, validation and recognition (just to name a few).
Simply put, if you want to build a slave properly — and this goes for AI too, which is in essence, humans trying to create digital and mechanical slaves to live and benefit at the expense of, then you have to start by layering the sequence of addictions properly:
1. An addiction to comfort, sources of comfort and security
2. An addiction to hope
3. An addiction to hoping for more comfort, sources of comfort and security
4. An addiction to entitlement — the belief, outlook and defense of ‘deserving’
5. An addiction to feelings of self worth, importance and validation
and all of these lay the foundations for…
6. Addiction to authority
7. Addiction to control
Step Two (if you didn’t gather it from above is): Manage the addictions
When controlling a slave by manipulating their access to comfort, sources of comfort and (perceptions of) security, if you do it right, they’ll never know the difference between comfort and what’s actually needed for survival. They’ll come to equate access to sources of comfort with life itself, and subsequently, with their ability to survive.
But I want to keep this short, so let’s do a critical thinking exercise real quick…
I want you to imagine you’re building a slave, or species of slaves from the ground up.
What if you were to make things like community and social inclusion conceptual substances? Maybe wire the slaves’ autonomic nervous system to fire off a few rounds of serotonin whenever your slaves felt included or validated? What if you made social importance, status and reputation conceptual substances too? What if you make personal validation and recognition from you a conceptual substance as well?
If you did that, you could string your slaves along with hidden addictions forever, and they’d be none the wiser…
Think about the implications of that…
For instance, using that system, you could make slaves go to war and fight for their actual, real world survival over some abstract nebulous idea of comfort and security, bundled into buzzwords, like ‘freedom’ or ‘democracy’ or ‘socialism’ or ‘faith’ or ‘country’ and the slaves would literally give their lives for their love of and addiction to a substance they don’t even realize they’re being controlled with.
Could you imagine that..? Could you imagine living in a world where something like that was possible? Where beings could be created as slaves, and controlled accordingly?