More and Less Aren’t the Answer
The answer to every problem isn’t simply more of what you want and less of what you don’t…
The answer to a failing economy isn’t simply having more money and less people to divide it between…
The answer to a failing religion isn’t simply having more paishioners and fewer or less things to challenge it…
The answer to conceptual failures in science and academia isn’t simply having more adherents and less dissenters…
The answers to failing relationships aren’t simply more sex and good times, and less hardships and struggles…
The answer to failing industries isn’t simply more business traffic and fewer competing business and industries…
The answers to society’s many failures aren’t simply more authority and less diversity; more security and fewer potential threats…
The answer to all your personal problems isn’t more control and less uncertainty…
The answer to all your rage issues isn’t simply having more things to aggress against, and fewer restraints…
You can’t solve problems by thinking in these terms. You can’t even assess things properly in order to fix them by thinking in these terms…
Acquiring “more” in failing systems is only a temporary solution, if the systems themselves are failing…
Ironically, the more you acquire in failing systems is the quicker you cause them to fail.