One of Several Traits
Yo… Something I’m really tired of is people blindly worshiping and edifying “enforcer positions” — e.g., soldiers, police officers, etc.
Look here… A willingness to engage in conflict is but ONE of several traits on an ENTIRE SPECTRUM of virtuous qualities.
A willingness to engage in conflict doesn’t necessarily include or entail personal honesty, bravery, critical thinking and problem solving skills, compassion, selflessness, loyalty, ethicalness, love, empathy, sanity, a good a work ethic — the list goes on an on…
A willingness to engage in conflict is not rare by any stretch of the imagination…
Any given ideologue (ranging from gang-banger to religious zealot; political figure to diehard atheist) will sacrifice life and limb to blindly defend beliefs and allegiances they’ve never actually considered.
Added to that, the more people blindly worship enforcer positions is the easier it becomes for cowards to infiltrate them, and then use them as weapons against others, towards working out their own personal insecurities.
I don’t care what group you define yourself by or belong to… Cowards are a danger to everyone (outgroupers, group and self); because first and foremost, they’re a danger to themselves.
Every coward hiding behind a badge and gun helps to endanger REAL police officer’s lives (as they necessarily exacerbate social tension and distrust for police). Every coward hiding behind a flag, cammies and a gun necessarily becomes a liability to both REAL soldiers and their respective countries alike.
Stop believing, and start thinking…
Appreciate virtuous people; not positions or fields that presume virtuousness on behalf of people for simply doling out violence.