(Punishment part 5)

Donald King
2 min readApr 3, 2018


Punishment vs Discipline

There’s a difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline is or can be defined as: conscientious measures taken to adjust one’s perspective, outlook or (level of) focus. Discipline is basically a conscientious approach taken towards altering attitudinal or behavioral paths that will likely result in stagnation or detriment.

Discipline usually entails interrupting bad habits, attitudes, actions and behaviors, so as to replace them with positive alternatives.

Discipline can be coercive or it can be supportive and nurturing, however, the goal of discipline is to bring intrinsic changes about within an individual that can help them advance in terms of understanding, capability or mobility.

A person can discipline themselves, be disciplined by others or discipline someone whose betterment and advancement is of personal interest to them. The basic point of disciplining something is to help it advance.

Punishment on the other hand is simply inflicting injury onto things, for the sake of personal satisfaction. When you want to punish something you just want to make it suffer. When you punish things, it’s purely and simply about you getting physically high from inflicting injury and suffering onto self, individuals or external values.

The point of punishing something is to subjigate it; to keep it in a position of exploitability ; to turn an individual or external value into your own personal stash [of serotoning stimulant], something you can get high off of anytime you like.

Discipline takes thought and conscientious effort. Like… if you’re disciplining your child for instance, it means you’re actively thinking of ways to bring intrinsic changes about within them. Its not as simple as punching, kicking and beating on them. More often than not, its denying them access to things they’re developing unhealthy fixations on or distracting attachments to, or by giving them strict guidelines to follow, or letting them struggle in order to figure things out for themselves.

When you punish your kids, you basically use your kids as devices to get temporary highs off of. You injure them so that you can get a chemical fix — a hormone and neurotransmitter boost that you don’t even know you’re addicted to.

When it comes to dealing with kids (or for that fact, anyone), punishing them is about YOU, and disciplining them is about THEM.

The same principle applies to all forms of discipline and punishment. Criminal justice systems that focus on reforming individuals do so through measures of discipline, whereas criminal justice systems that focus on punishing individuals are more geared towards enslaving and torturing people than they are, actually helping people get better. In fact, criminal justice systems that focus on crime and punishment are run by and geared towards satisfying agents who are highly addicted to punishing things themselves.

Again, punishing things is an addiction; and the world is being run by addicts.



Donald King
Donald King

Written by Donald King

I write to explain how I see reality through a unique lens that's been afforded to me.

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