Religious Texts
(Taken from a comment I made on a Facebook thread)
Even though I’m sure this thread is somebody just trolling, sadly, there are many people in the world today who seem eager to make all of reality fit with and conform to the information, ideas, beliefs and texts they take on authority…
Stupidity is or can be defined as “mental laziness”. Its basically what happens when things go badly for you, because instead of processing information and reality through your own mind (that is, using your own inherent and unique thought process) you allow beliefs, expectations, third-party discovery, perspectives and ideas, hopes, wishes, emotions, or other non (mental) processing phenomena to do mental work for you.
So stupid people are really just mentally out of shape people. They’re so used to not doing mental work, and so used to leaning on whatever’s most convenient to their habits, practices and beliefs that they’ve become intellectually bloated, dull and slow…
When someone does something they know is stupid they say: “That was so stupid! I knew I should have done _______!”
And what they’re actually saying is: “If I just used my brain, and actually thought about what I was doing, instead letting hope, expectation, or other people’s words and reports or emotions guide me, I wouldn’t be in this predicament now! I knew I should have done _______!”
Expecting all of reality to be explainable through a text that’s chock full of contradictions, paradoxes and syntax errors is the height of stupidty.
Learning from religious texts is awesome. Studying religious texts and trying to make sense of them in spite of their many, many errors and oversights is awesome. Trying to force all of reality to fit into, and be explainable through religious texts is stupid; its just being mentally lazy.
Everybody needs to stop trying to make reality convenient to their views, habits and practices.