Shortcuts Add Up
Shortcuts add up…
The reason why every disease ultimately fails is because every disease is comprised of organisms and systems that prioritize finding and taking shortcuts, and personal conveninece and expliotation ahead of balance, harmony, what’s required for sustainability.
If we examine the disease we call society from the institutional level, almost every failed business, industry, economy and empire stem(s) from people taking shortcuts.
“I wanna feel comfort and security here and now so I’ll take from this business/culture/industry/economy/empire and give to myself first, and then let the deficit created by my systemic theft come out of the labor and livelihood of others.”
This type of thinking is the rationale of parasitic beings, entities and organisms.
Every failed relationship between people stems from one or both parties taking shortcuts. The reason why most relationships can’t last is because most humans thinks selflishly — especially these days…
People don’t want bonding anymore. Instead, they want sex, someone to edify and uplift them, and feelings of companionship, sans the effort it takes to achieve and maintain a true state of mutualism. People don’t want mates anymore, they just want physical, sexual and emotional slaves…
And if we consider it at a meta-level real quick, society doesn’t want a mutal relationship with humanity. It just wants the end-product of their labor and effort. Society just wants humans to be slaves for it. And as a result, its taken far too many shortcuts in equipping them with means to survive the very circumstance it created for them to endure through. Society’s been so interested in getting over on and then dispensing with humanity that its (apparently) lost sight of the fact that it needs humans to complete the task of achieving AI, before weaponizing them against each other — in so, minimizing the amount of damage it will from any (potential) ‘uprising’.
So instead of building a strong capable populace by working with humanity, it’s been taking shorcuts and churning out self-righteous, unfoundedly narcissisitc idiots — because they’re much easier to control at the ground level. The problem is, if you put idiots in charge because they’re easy to control, you inevitably stifle your own growth, potential and develop, and in so, threaten your own future and sustainability…
Which is why every disease ultimately fails — by either defeating the host and killing itself in the process, or by self-neutralizing and surviving itself in the process; but changing into a mutual participant within the respective body or system its occupying.
Shortcuts add up…
Every person who leaves their shopping cart in the middle of the lot is stealing effort from the greater social system. Every asshole who blocks an intersection during rush hour (paradoxically, helping to create the circumstnace of rush hour) due to selfish thinking and self justification, is stealing from the greater social system. Every person who half-ass does a job because they’re not making enough money to survive on — who, consequently transfers their disposition into those who suffer from their contempt for their own situation, steals from the greater social system.
The circumstance society is creating for humanity is both paradoxical and self-annihilating, in the sense that it suffers from humanity’s selfishness and the billions of personal shortcuts they’re (sometimes) forced to take at its expense — which, only serve to retard its own growth and development, yet… the only tool it has to incentivize and coerce them with is the hope for comfort and convenience — e.g., shortcuts.
At a fundamental level, society the organism never thought this shit through. Paradoxically, because its thinking is limited to shortcuts.