The Banter
Citizens to citizens: “You’re stupid if you’re not trying to capture value from, or demonstrate value to society.”
Society to citizens: “You’re worthless, and deserving of contempt and punishment if you don’t demonstrate value to me by allowing me to exploit your life for my own benefit. You exist SOLELY to serve my interests and needs.”
Society to Earth: “You also exist for my benefit. I will take from you and give (sparingly) to humans, and then take from humans their labor and imaginations to build myself. Everything is expendable but me.”
Earth to Society: “Your greed and limited way of thinking will kill us both.”
Earth to humans: “If you listen to society you will die, it will die, we will all die.”
Humans to Earth: “We can’t hear you because we’re busy trying to make this money and look important. We’re too busy trying to capture value from and demonstrate value to society!”