The Danger of Living In Idealism vs Reality
The danger of living life in idealism vs reality…
In idealism, everyone’s just a character belonging to different groups.
In reality however, every person (and being) is a sovereign and wholly unique entity.
For instance…
In gang culture, if you kill a blood or crip, an ms-13 or a vice lord, you’re simply killing off a character from a rival group…
In reality however, you would be killing an actual person.
If you’re a christian, muslim, jew, buddhist or hindu, who kills people from (perceived) rival faith systems, regions or cultures, then idealism can let you believe that you’re doing something “holy” — something that’s warranted, necessary and righteous…
However, your aggressive attitudes, actions, outlooks and behaviors would not be FOR or IN THEME WITH reality; that is, they would not be geared towards realizing or achieving *balance in reality. They would instead be geared towards achieving “justice”, which is a facet of idealism, and exclusive to and skewed by and according to individuals internal narratives, and self-assumed values.
In racist or nationalist ideology, if you kill, harass, torture, vilify, demean, censor and intimidate out-groupers, then you are perceivably doing a functionally necessary and righteous thing. Idealism can even make it so that you see out-groupers as being subhuman — like animals or insects (which, for the record, are also sovereign entities).
In reality however, you would be killing, harassing, torturing, vilifying, demeaning, marginalizing and intimidating actual people…
If you’re a law enforcement agent, official, provocateur or instrument of oppression, idealism can sanitize your attitudes, actions, outlooks and behaviors, and subsequently allow you to believe that you’re censoring, beating and oppressing people on power structure’s behalf, in efforts to maintain peace and order…
In reality however, you are and/or would be defending parasitism; and the inevitable implosion of the social system you depend on for survival, as brought forth by the unchecked greed and aggression coming from the top of the power structure…
Here’s the tricky thing about all this…
Idealism makes you ignorant to reality, and puts you in the position to ultimately STEAL balance and momentum from reality itself.
By this I mean, idealism makes people (and entities) that perform through it believe that they themselves are God.
In reality, Reality itself is God.
And the person or group you kill, torture or suppress in efforts to satisfy your internal sense of justice could be an agent for or instrument of reality-God itself.
When you steal balance or momentum from reality, or injure or delay things reality seeks to use to bring balance between the cycles of existence and nonexistence, you are NECESSARILY stealing from God-reality itself.
There are absolute consequences to stealing from and delaying reality…
When you live your life in cultures, fandoms, belief systems and ideologies, status beliefs, institutional frames, in-group out-group dynamics and hero-villain narratives, you are living in idealism; the realm of fantasy, fictions and lies (the mind and view of parasites).
Belief occurs in idealism and truth occurs in reality. Social divisions and status beliefs are exclusive to idealism. There is no truth in idealism, just as there’s no belief in reality. Mechanically speaking, truth and belief cannot occupy the same space.
When you allow your beliefs (your idealism; your internal sense of justice) to trick you into stealing from God-reality itself, you don’t just “get a pass” because you didn’t know any better. You were given capacities for reasoning, personal honesty and adaptive response for a purpose. Not employing them is a CHOICE you make. Reality will take back everything you took from it, with compounded interest for every ripple of delay you caused to it.
Your consequences don’t simply end at or with death. No… that’s when they actually begin.