The Social Paradox
Society runs on idealism. Every single social institution is based in idealism, and the harvesting, manipulation and control of various facets and features of idealism. Who or whatever controls the idealism controls the people who operate by means of it…
Who or whatever controls the dream controls the people living in it…
Paradoxes can only sustain in idealism. They cannot sustain in actual reality.
Things cannot “be” and “not be” at the same time…
Society itself is a paradox in the sense that the effect it has on this planet in reality can be felt and experienced, however, the systems that incentivize, mobilize, orchestrate and facilitate the actions, transactions and interactions between the life forms society manifests through do not exist in reality.
For instance, authority does not exist in reality. The value of money/currency does not exist in reality. Status does not exist in reality. Belief and belief systems do not exist in reality. In other words, the value and influences these sorts of phenomena have on humans cannot make material impacts on reality in their own right. These phenomena only have power within the realm of idealism. The closest these phenomena can come to making material impacts on reality is by or through the ways in which they affect people — that is, how they shape and influence the perceptive outlooks of life forms that process information and reality by, through, and according to idealism; by virtue of the actions, attitudes and behaviors these phenomena inspire in people (and/or beings) that or who recognize them…
A bear does not recognize money, status markers or authority; nor does it need to. The human who hunts or captures bears for profit or sport is motivated by money, status beliefs and perceptions of authority.
Ironically, the principle of paradox is the very reason for why all parasitic-viral entities ultimately fail, as they destroy, mindlessly consume, and inevitably collapse the reality around them, before ultimately turning on and destroying themselves from within…
A disease is basically a paradox trying to reconcile itself in reality through series upon series of paradoxes. Much like the organisms it’s comprised of and manifests through, the disease is trying to understand its point, purpose and function in reality, while simultaneously attempting to forcefully impose its will onto reality. A virus tries to ‘know’ the body of the host it invades, while seeking to subdue, and force meanings and beliefs (idealisms), structures and systems onto the very thing it sets out to observe and learn from to begin with…
As a phenomenon, idealism is a paradox unto itself. Idealism is paradoxical in the sense that it cannot even sustain within itself. Idealism remains in a constant state of flux, while paradoxically seeking to realize, achieve, determine and create stable, fixed and constant perceptions of states and conditions, by which to interpret and extract truth from observed values — extending to reality at large.
The parameters of meanings and beliefs are constantly changing, yet people still take meanings and beliefs at face value. Fads come and go, come and go… Things assumed to be true and accurate today will be revised and refined tomorrow. Things that seemed impossible centuries ago are considered child’s play today. Yet, the degree to which facts are considered “true” remains the same, irrespective of the fact that meanings, beliefs, and ways for assigning value to and interpreting value from things has never remained static. In fact, the only constant in human learning is its paradoxical nature, and the notion that it “learns without actually learning anything; especially things about and related to self.”
Natural reality and idealism are two completely separate things. “Perceptive valuation” is the process of transforming observed values in reality into idealism and/or effects that serve as system features within idealism; and then subsequently, using influence or force to manifest and/or transform internal idealisms into effects and affects that have and make material impacts on reality.
Again, paradoxes can only sustain in idealism, but not in reality.
If society itself is a paradox, and idealism itself is a paradox, then neither of these things can sustain in reality.
Authority is a paradox that can never sustain. Currency and economies are paradoxes, and therefore are incapable of sustaining…
Meanings, beliefs, institutions, ideologies, ‘identities’, deceptions, conspiracies, borders and social divisions are all paradoxes, and therefore, cannot sustain, irrespective of how certain and reinforceable they might seem to be in the present…
“Utopian societies” (which, in the most technical sense, is an oxymoron) can exist in idealism, however, humans have yet to achieve them in reality. In fact, the only societies in history that even seem remotely close to utopian are parasitic societies — that is, those societies who through war, invasion, theft, agreements and exploitive systems of trade live and benefit at the expense of other countries and groups.
The greatest problem with living in, through and for idealism is that regardless of how well you layer and fortify it, it’s only a matter of time before truth and reality find, invade, and ultimately destroy it.
Idealism can only block reality out but for so long, and idealism can only burrow into reality but so deep…
If you are living for and through the paradox, you might want to get out of it ASAP. Reality has set its sites on you…
And there is no ‘fighting reality’…
…there’s only running, and catching fades.