Trying To Dominate Me…

Donald King
9 min readMar 3, 2022


The most offensive thing you can do to me is try to dominate me — try to subjugate me and/or make me subordinate to you and your sense of authority.

It doesn’t matter how you try to dominate me either.

If you try to bully, or intimidate me with threats or physical violence…

If you attempt to exploit me or get over on me somehow…

If you try to judge me — that is, empower yourself by assuming a position of authority over me, as though you’re entitled to award or devalue me, like your acceptance and approval is a form of compensation I must work for…

If you attempt to deceive, angle, manipulate or influence me (mentally, emotionally, sexually, etc)…

If you try to antagonize or test boundaries with me…

If you attempt to influence others against me towards stealing social power and mobility away from me…

If you try to punish me through withholding, isolation or physical, emotional or psychological assault, (etc)…

…or any combination therein, the goal is always the same.

You’re trying to steal autonomy and personhood from me. You’re trying to make me subject to you and/or relegate me to being a function and extension of your ego, your desires and designs.

You’re trying to rape me with your vanity.

And while I realize that might seem like an extreme, and perhaps overstated or even comical way to describe such behavior, it’s the most accurate description you’ll find anywhere ever.

Whenever you try to force your will on someone, and in so negate the validity of their experience by taking away their ability to choose cooperation with you, you’re trying to rape them with your vanity.

Taking away someone’s choice is separating them from sovereignty, autonomy and personhood. It’s tantamount to theft. Theft is separating someone from their property by direct or indirect means or actions. If someone tries to supplant your autonomy with their own they’re effectively trying to rape you — trying to steal personhood from you, as if to say “I see you doing and being your own thing in your own space, but I want to hijack you, your experience and your space, and either make you do what I want you to do, or satisfy myself at your expense.”

This principle effectively applies to interactions between parties, and not to one party setting boundaries for how it will allow others to interact with it. Telling someone “You’re not allowed to do that to me” isn’t attempting to dominate them and/or force your will onto them, because boundaries can and should exist independent of actors, however actions taken towards people cannot exist independent of the actors involved. It’s a situational math thing…

Violating someone else’s space, personhood or boundaries is piracy; it’s theft, robbery, but most importantly, it’s parasitic. Parasitism is a non mutual relationship between entities, in which one party lives and/or benefits at the expense of another or others.

What does a prostitute call it when they get raped? They say they got “robbed” (thank you HBO America Undercover Series). The reason I mention this is because prostitutes understand at a fundamental level that the principle is the same. Taking away someone’s ability to cooperate, negotiate or simply be is tantamount to theft.

Let’s define a few words principally now…

Competition is attempting to dominate others towards asserting, establishing or capturing authority — either directly from actors or within the greater context actors are performing within.

Authority is having the power to determine meanings, order and the outcome of events.

Attempting to dominate someone is effectively trying to assert authority over them, and trying to assert authority over someone is necessarily trying to steal presence, personhood and autonomy away from them.

It’s a highly aggressive thing to do. In fact, it’s the only aggressive thing to do, as all aggressive actions and behaviors necessarily fall to this principle.

“I’m going to make your experience be what I want it to be! You exist as an extension of my will and desires, and as a function of my experience! You’re just a prop in the story of me — a thing that exists for my comfort, pleasure and benefit!”

It’s a very rapey vibe. Very rapey…

“But Donald King, Animals in nature live and benefit at each other’s expense all the time!”

Two points on that — a) maybe parasitic creatures live and benefit at other life forms’ or systems’ expense, however all natural and/or emergent life forms benefit the systems (organisms) they emerge from and help to facilitate and advance through life cycles, and b) human and extraterrestrial presence on the body of this planet has or have fundamentally altered how natural life forms (systems) work on this planet — meaning that in science, your species isn’t actually studying nature, but instead “affected nature”; akin to a disease studying a body’s systems and building blocks without factoring in the effect it’s having on the system it’s trying to reverse engineer.

I’m gonna have to go avatar with the framing for a few seconds to help put it all into proper perspective, so just bear with me.

Look here…

Humans are a viral-parasitic species. All viral-parasitic life forms are agents of corruption. Corruption is a glitch in the coding of natural principles for structural building blocks that exist and function on higher scales of organic-celestial plane. This universe is an organism — a cellular building block that belongs to a series of organisms and/or organic building blocks that experience life on much higher scales of plane than what we know and presently experience. Corruption is basically an infection happening in one of our higher organisms’ body. That higher life form got injured in such a way that the principles behind its material building blocks glitched, resulting in the birth of (for lack of a better expression) a sentient malware program, or what human faith systems know and commonly refer to as “Satan” or “devil”.

That program self-replicates and spreads pathologically. It invades, depletes, destroys, dominates, overtakes (possesses: takes possession of) and transforms natural systems (organisms) and creates and perpetuates cascades of imbalances, as it continues to spread and self-actualize through infected hosts — giving birth to what we know as viral-parasitic creatures (think “zombie-like” systems/organisms). There’s lots of organic math to factor in here, but that’s the basic gist of things…

The perceptive outlook for viral-parasitic (corrupt) species has three primary components or paradigms, and those are narcissism, competition and aggression. Together these paradigms create an overtone value or paradigm called *greed.

**The reason why greed is an overtone value, and not part of the primary perceptive lens base is because without competition there is no greed, without narcissism there is no greed, without aggression there is no greed, but narcissism, competition and aggression can exist independent of greed, and even (though barely and rarely) independent of each other.

Again, competition is attempting to dominate others.

Aggression is the act of dumping or hemorrhaging rage into people, things or reality at large.

Narcissism is self worship and self-idealizing — an addiction to the identity and/or inner story, which serves to justify entitlement and/or benefiting self at the expense of others.

Greed (addiction) is overconsumption that stems from having a perceptive outlook based in scarcity.

The reason I mention all of these things is because due to humans being a viral-parasitic species, the world we live in normalizes this predatory behavior of stealing personhood and autonomy from others by attempting to supplant their experience with our own — just as parasites attempt to supplant bodies with their own genetic material and programming.

It is considerably “normal” to go around trying to humiliate and cause injury and suffering to others. Attempting to dominate others, and in so make them extensions of our own identity just seems like a normal everyday practice for most people. In fact, it isn’t just normal, it’s a highly enjoyable and even intoxicating practice — not just for humans, but practically all viral parasitic life forms.

Invading a territory and planting a flag, or idealizing the act of taking a woman’s virginity, or desecrating/vandalizing things, or bullying people, or stealing someone’s property, territory or peace; it’s all just different versions of the same thing.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from peace and/or your present state of being for my amusement!” — prank you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from your present physical state by using you as a vessel to dump my rage into!” — attack you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from your current outlook and worldview!” — police or correct your thinking.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from your feelings of accomplishment, entitlement or confidence!” — humble or humiliate you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from your sense of safety and security!” — threaten, intimidate, terrorize you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from physical comfort and/or a homeostatic state!” — injure, torture you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from others and access to others!” — ostracize, socially disempower imprison you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from sovereignty over your body and genitals!” — rape, enslave you.

“I’m going to forcibly separate you from life itself!” — murder you.

It’s all just different versions of the exact same thing: violation. The theft of personhood and autonomy: violating someone is tantamount to rape.

Attempting to dominate and/or violate others isn’t natural or balanced, it’s parasitic (corrupt).

Beyond the whole rapey vibe though, there’s another reason for why I’m highly offended whenever anyone tries to dominate me, and that’s because I’m a generally cooperative person. Now this doesn’t mean I’m a pushover by any stretch of the imagination, it just means that I’m wired to think, live and interact with others mutualistically. I live in service to reality, which means by default I live in service to others. In other words, I’m pretty much always thinking of ways to understand, empower and uplift people and/or achieve mutually beneficial outcomes with whomever I interact with.

The thing is, if I come to you with open arms, bearing gifts of talent and service, and you respond to me with deception and daggers then you make an enemy out of me — you force me onto my back heel and to take a defensive stance. If I come to you in peace and you firmly commit to bringing war to me, then I will respond to you with the same energy you bring to me — and please count yourself lucky if I simply choose to disengage from you.

I’m quick to give anyone the shirt off my back, that is, until they try to take it from me through direct or indirect means. If you try to take the shirt off my back then we’ve got a serious problem…

Unfortunately, in the world we live in this is just how most people move. They don’t need the shirt off your back, they just want to take it from you, because in their corrupt minds, taking from you is dominating you, and they just want to steal power, presence and personhood from you so as to enhance their own identity.

If you try to compete against me then means you’re trying to dominate me. If you’re trying to dominate me, it necessarily means you’re aggressing against me. If you’re aggressing against me, it’s because you perceive me as a rival or a threat. If you perceive me as a rival or threat then it means you’re not actually paying attention to me or how I treat you and others, but instead interacting exclusively with a false version of me you’ve created in your mind based on your desire to dominate me. It means you’ve resigned to interacting with me through the parasitic (scarcity-based) outlook and worldview.

The parasitic mind is wrought with struggle and turmoil. But your own suffering is not an excuse to cause suffering to others. Feeling powerless is not an excuse for you to steal power from others. Your feelings of insecurity and uncertainty are not excuses for you to try to make others feel insecure and uncertain. Such corrupt attitudes and behaviors necessarily make you a threat, not just to yourself and those around you, but to reality as a larger system.

If you choose to behave in a parasitic fashion towards me then I will respond to you in the exact same way reality responds to all corrupt things… I will simply cut you off.



Donald King
Donald King

Written by Donald King

I write to explain how I see reality through a unique lens that's been afforded to me.

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