Two Basic Outlooks
There are two basic and/or primary outlooks, people…
At least when it comes to being human…
These outlooks sum to, or can be described as “modes of and for processing information and reality.”
These outlooks pretty much determine how individuals will approach life, other people, and all things…
We have:
A: the observer mode, and
B: the asserter (authoritarian) mode
The observer mode is exactly what it sounds like. It’s set to “intake”. That means it takes in information first before processing and outputting new information. Because new information is constantly being consumed and processed (by the mode), the mind is able to learn and adapt to new conditions, experiences and environments.
The asserter (authoritarian) mode is set to “output”. It does take in information (to some degree), however, not from reality and not in real time… It instead takes in new information from, by, and according to sources that represent “authority” — meaning, it doesn’t learn from reality, but instead, it learns from sources it reveres.
The big problem with the asserter (authoritarian) mode is that north of 70% of it’s time, energy and effort isn’t spent on learning, improving or advancement, but instead, on expanding its efforts to force others (including reality itself) to recognize and conform to ‘things previously learned’ and/or expectations.
The asserter/authoritarian just wants to “fight to prove its right”, as opposed to *considering, weighing, organizing and responding to information, ideas, events, expressions, situations, circumstances and stimulations, in real time (the actual process of *reasoning).
The observer mode is taking in information and adapting along with it in real time.
Conversely, the asserter mode blocks out and misses information, as its primary concern is asserting, assuming and protecting authority. The asserter/authoritarian mode causes individuals to seek to preserve their identity, as opposed to simply adjusting in reality in real time.
The observer mode adapts, while the asserter mode competes.
When people go around trying to impose their will and/or beliefs and values onto others, they’re demonstrating that they run on the asserter/authoritarian mode and outlook. It is a DEFECTIVE MODE… It causes every cognitive glitch, ranging from logical fallacies and unwarranted aggression, to cognitive biases and cognitive dissonance.
The thing is… Humans get to CHOOSE which mode they will run on; that is, you get to CHOOSE whether or not you will be an observer (a conscientious participant in reality) or an asserter (a person whose mind is divorced from reality, and trapped in a feedback loop created by their own internal narrative).
This is your free will. This is what you get to choose. Your choice boils down to which outlook you practice nurturing the most…