Um, great questions...
Well to answer them directly, I'm describing what I can see through a type of perspective I've been imbued with. I host an entity which allows me to see reality in principles, in a fashion similar to what humans refer to as "binary".
The question of reliable sources or concrete evidence basically falls to an argument of authority, wherein I'm basically being asked to direct your attention to someone or something that might legitimate my claims.
The problem with such an approach to reasoning is that it assumes society (and/or interlocutors performing within it) is/are omniscient in some way, in that it suggests all that can be known and/or perceived is already known and/or perceived by [some] conventional source.
For me to "provide evidence" would necessarily require humans to already have systems in place that can capture, achieve, process, compare and analyze my proffering. It's basically saying: "Bring what you see and say down to my/our level of understanding."
One of my very favorite quotes from Albert Einstein is: "This should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Breaking systems and effects that perform above the level of materialism down to the level of materialism, for individuals who aren't trying to understand or think above their own experience or beyond their own frame of reference becomes an exercise in futility at a certain point.
It's kinda like a Christian asking you to explain the theory of relativity through bible verses. As if somehow, all that can be known or experienced in life can be explained either by or from within a book that they (themselves) refuse to think above, beyond or in spite of.
As to the question of being to hell, so far as I'm aware, I haven't been (at least during this life cycle). I have been to heaven though... At a time I self-identified as an atheist, no less.
I shot a video on the experience (going to heaven) and posted it to YouTube. I'll share the link if you like.