Your Body
You know…
As the years pass, and your body continues to age, at some point it will go from being this thing you use to live adventures through and demonstrate value to others with, to being this rather unremarkable, utilitarian thing…
After a while, the focus of living will switch from capturing all the pleasure you can through this vessel, to managing the stresses and strains you put on it. Your days will no longer revolve around searching for hidden pleasures and treasures from life, scattered throughout the world, and will instead shift to keeping the maximum amount of pain and suffering out of you…
When this time comes, chances are (that is, if you’re lucky enough) you’ll reflect back on all the ways you’ve spent your flesh. Every injury and scar you’ve collected through the years will have a story. Every bug you were able to fight off, and then those that remain hidden within you will all be cataloged. Your body will hold memories and experiences that your mind will have long forgotten…
And you’ll ultimately be faced with a long list of questions you’ll likely never think to ask yourself…
The main question will be: “Did you live for desire or live for balance; did you live for harmony and cooperation, or live for control and exploitation?”
How did you treat your body? Was it your companion or was it your slave? Was it your friend, or just some thing you used for chemical fixes and gratification? Did you fill it with poisons and expose it to unnecessary dangers, just so you could get high at its expense? Or were you kind to it, and did you treat it like an extension of something greater than you?
How did you get that bruise? How did you injure that joint? Did you injure yourself doing something valiant or vain? Were you injured in or through acts of selflessness, or did you injure yourself in pursuit of glory, recognition, fame and social rewards?
How did you use your sexuality? Did you burn through it and waste it on unremarkable people and experiences? Was it just a thing to get high off of, or did you ever let your body intuitively bond with intense and profound energies in others? Did you exploit your sexuality for survival or for worldly gain? Was your body’s capacity for sexuality something that you feel was owed you? Did you treat your body like a sex slave? In fact…
When it comes to your lovers, how did you use your body? Did every kiss and touch mean something when you delivered it? Did you use your passion to leave remarkable impressions on others? Did every stroke, every suckle and every penetration (both physical and emotional) that you allowed into you and then paid towards others represent what you wanted to transfer into them, or capture from them in the way of energy? Or did you use your body as a weapon to injure and subjugate others with?
How did you care for your body? Did you treat it like a war dog and traumatize it into becoming an ideal weapon for you to use against others? Or did you use it as an instrument towards capturing attention and value from the world and other people? Did you brand it with tattoos and markings, so that everyone would notice “your property”, and the level of mastery you hold over this slave you’re in…?
How did you use your mind? Did you nurture and develop it, and treat it like it was something more than a slave you should socially benefit from? Did you listen to it or your body, and let intuition guide you in the ways physical sight and knowledge can’t? Or did you let trends and cultures rob your mind of agency, so that it became weak, fragile and easily injured?
Or did you live your life in a bubble? Afraid to interact and engage with things you couldn’t control and were too afraid to investigate or view up close? Did your body and mind atrophy, and waste away in tiny vacuums you refused to leave, because they were the only spaces you could control? Did you never use or test your strength, vigor, potency and mind outside of controlled systems?
Because see, the point of this piece is that parasitism doesn’t just begin and end with how you treat others or external values. Again, it is a MODE of processing information and reality that shapes the outlook and worldview of beings at the most fundamental levels…
Do you think exploitively towards your body, or harmoniously? Do you have a mutual relationship with the collective of organisms you’re comprised of, or do you see them as your slaves — as things you should be allowed to live and benefit at the expense of?